Mass notification wide area sound signals up to 8km / 5 mile
K4-12 Air Alarm
Designed to be particularly effective and extremely reliable in high noise industrial environments, the Kahlenberg K4-12 mass notification air horn set utilises a twin tone design set at 311Hz and 370Hz with all horns connected to a robust central manifold. Audibility is 8km (5 miles) on still air.

K4-25 Air Alarm
The Kahlenberg K4-25 omnidirectional air alarm for mass notification and wide area alerting is very similar in concept to the K4-12, but its dual tones are pitched higher at 370Hz and 622Hz. In common with all Kahlenberg Model K air horns, construction is in extremely robust aluminium castings with a hermetically sealed stainless steel diaphragm.
K4-12-EN Air Alarm
The Kahlenberg K4-12-EN offers a heated enclosure and fully self-contained tower design to provide a mass notification wide area signal that will operate right down to -40°C and up to 85°C. The horns are set at a dual tones of 311Hz and 370Hz in order to provide maximum penetration in noisy industrial environments.